I set up a completely new Open-E-NAS using a new USB stick. The PC started and I could change the static adress to with no problem. Then I went to my client machine and started IE7. After entering the static address I got the message that something is wrong with the certificate (this is normal too). After clicking on the entry to go on the screen remained empty. No GUI, nothing.

I tried the same thing with Forefox. There I got the message that that the certificate was generated for a different server. I created an exception for this IP adress after downloading the certificate. Boom, the page is empty again.

When doing the same stuff with Safari on a Mac I get the message "Safari cannot oper the page because there is an error (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork-Error 302".

Now I'm running out of browsers. Does anybody have an idea what is going on? There is a Windows 2003 Server Small Business running in my network. This server is running DHCP and DNS services - I'm not using DHCP, but I'm using DNS. I use my router as a Gateway for this network.

Thanx for you help