Two identical DSS 6 systems here:

Model: Data Storage Software V6
Version: 6.0up97.8101.6325 64bit
Release date: 2012-06-15
Licensed Storage Capacity: unlimited

The first system provides a client-accessible NFS mount; the second system is used as an offsite mirror of the first, not directly accessible to clients.

On each system, we recently added a RAID volume and used it to increase the size of the logical volume. ‘df’ shows an abundance of space available for use:

# df -h /mnt/tmp/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
gverc:/GCC_archive 107T 29T 79T 27% /mnt/tmp

However, on the first system, we found that NFS clients were getting errors like this:

# mkdir /mnt/tmp/zzztestzzz
mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/tmp/zzztestzzz': No space left on device

I assume it’s an inode issue, because when you remove a number of file/directory objects, the same number of objects can subsequently be created successfully.

I found this KB article ...

... and tried the suggested solution, but it didn’t work. Or maybe I didn’t do it right.

What should be done to solve this problem? And why might it affect just one of our systems?