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No boot and the screen is filled with numbers or no boot at all

Please try to update the module. this does not help, please contact our support team to get the module replaced.

Is there any way to read performance infor from NAS or iSCSI systems? For example: CPU loading, cache misses and so on. Or are there any recommendations about choosing hardware for high load systems? Should Dual CPU be used for high load systems or Single CPU is more than enough for any system?

In your Web Browser enter: https://IP_ADDRES_OF_THE_SERVER/check_sys/.
You will have possibility of entering system performance statistics. Also you can get this information using SNMP protocol. On our server is implementation of snmp in version 3.

Concerning CPU - it all depends on what you want to obtain.
More CPU power is recommended for operations that require more speed - like backups, synchronization, many simultaneously connections, and for example high number of snapshots require faster Units ( and CPU speed isn't so important )

Unable to access 3ware, Keeps reporting (0x0C:0x001A): You have been logged out due to inactivity or Cookies are disabled when 5 sec before I log in.

It is caused by greater than 30 minutes differences, between local and remote computer.
This is not caused by our software, probably it is done by 3ware.
For more information please follow the instructions on 3ware 9000 Release Notes: here.
To support it we introduced a function in Setup -> NAS server: "Clock settings" and "Set time".

Hello, I have a Open-E NAS 2.0.
I would like to know if it is possible to use Open-E NAS with only one disc ide to test?when I am in the interface of configuration, it marked there:
Unit name Unit size (GB) Status:
No Units!
(in the disk manager)
Can you help me ? Is it possible to make ssh directly on the server ?

Open-E NAS 2.0 support IDE units from build: 1224
Please download proper update from our Web Page available on here.
Also there are Release Notes describing how to update our software in details.
Because of security reasons there is no possibility to log in the server via ssh protocol.

1. Does the NAS software support dual CPU's and/or dual-core CPU's? If not, will this support be added ?
2. Is the NAS software 64-bit or 32-bit? On other words, will the software benefit from a 64-bit CPU? If not, will this support be added ?

Our software has no problems while working with multi-processor mainboards.

In Console Tools we have implemented function which allows choosing type of running configuration:
  • single processor
  • multi processor

How many processors are supported:
  • in Open-E NAS 2.0 and Open-E iSCSI SMB you will have support for two processors,
  • in Open-E NAS ENT there is support for up to 8 processors.
  • in Open-E iSCSI ENT there is support for up to 32 processors simultaneously.
  • in SOHO versions there is only support for one processor.
The Open-E NAS system is compiled for 32 - bits, and in this moment you will not see any improvements using 64-bit processor.
In the next year ( at the end of it ) we plan a release of version of Open-E NAS and iSCSI for 64-bit architecture.

NAS doesn't allow more then 20 concurrent appletalk connections to share from MAC stations running MAC OS 10.3.9 (and 10.4.3)

Please make an update to the newest version of Open-E NAS ENT
(v. 1.76 b1268 ). It should solve the problem.

I'll mount a share in Unix with nfs. I always get the error: mount failed, reason given by server: Permission denied. I've given my User the same UID (use LDAPBrowser to give the UID) - the error is the same. What can I do to mount the share? in /etc/fstab (written new line) DESNAS01:/lv00/mt /nfs nfs defaults,user,noauto 0 0 command as user: mount /nfs

Try to use such notation:

In order to mount NFS exclusive storage space, please use following syntax:
mount -t nfs IP_addr:/nfs /local_mount_point

In order to mount the space belongs to a share created in resources menu, please use following syntax:
mount -t nfs IP_addr:/share/share_name /local_mount_point

Please make sure that IP address from which you are trying to mount has such rights. If you have entered any address to "Allow access IP"
("NFS share access" function) please make sure if it is correct.
Check if share which you are trying to mount exists, and has NFS access enabled.

If you have checked everything, and still same error appears please send us the system logs.

Does the Open-E NAS also provide some sort of virus checker? Or can one be installed? Or is virus checking primairely done one the client PC?

Antivirus protection will be available in new line of our products - Open-E XSR (successor of Open-E NAS). Now you can only do it on the client PC.

How to defrag an open-e share?

Linux filesystem are constructed in such a way that defragmentation is not needed ( the kernel takes care about it ).
The fragmentation is on the level of about 1-2 %. Preparing an defragmentation algorithm is possible but not needed - the gain of performance will rather not be visible

I am using a black Open-E Enterprise-Module on a Supermicro SM-P8SCT mainboard.
The NAS-module is properly recognized by the BIOS but it does not boot.
It hangs while:
Loading [# ] (please wait)

Please disable in BIOS of your MainBoard the RAID and Network Interface Card, next try to boot the system.
If it will be successful please enable in BIOS your NIC, and send us the system log (available to download from our Web GUI from hardware -> status -> Function: Logs)

Can we do mirror (cluster) between two NAS?

We do support data replication between two or more than two NAS servers, also bi-directional, but we do not support data mirror in current NAS product. Please let me describe how data synchronization works:
The minimum delay of data synchronization is 1 minute. User can choose the synchronization delay between 1 minute till 12 hours, or schedule a day (days) and time. This is very stabile and field proven solution. User can use it as disaster recovery solution, if set to frequent data synchronization or as backup if set for daily or weekly synchronization. It can be used for both (disaster recovery and backup) if you schedule first task for every minute synchronization and second task for every day synchronization. In such case you have two replicated data set. First one, very recent data set and second data set, as last day backup.

Delayed data synchronization will have advantage over data mirror in many cases like: accidental date erase, corrupted file system, sabotage etc.
Not delayed data mirroring is a must only in case when application can not stand even few minutes interruption.

Do you respect the GPL licence?

We are working together with the Free Software Foundation to have our product GPL compliant.
The Free Software Foundation certified us to be compliant to the GPL rules.

When I downloaded the log files from Open-E NAS Enterprise I see that mrtg is running on the system, is there anyway I can connect directly to mrtg on Open-E? If not could you supply me the mrtg.cfg with the OID's?

Please connect to the MRTG Service over the local network:


Release Notes for Enterprise V161_b842say, that SNMP was added.Where can we configure this ?

There is no configuration necessary.
Please use a SNMP-Client of your choice and connect it to the IP of your NAS-Server.
List of MIBS:
  • -
  • - mib-2.ip
  • - mib-2.tcp
  • - mib-2.udp
  • - mib-2.interfaces
  • -
  • - system

How can i access a server-connected printer from a client ?

Open-E NAS is a Storage-Server. There is no option to share a printer over a NAS-server. Please use a printer-server for this purpose.

Why I can not see the setup for my Adaptec 2120s SCSI Raid card in the Web GUI ? If I must use the CLI, then I am unable to use this in a headless configuration.

We decided that CLI menu is a better solution, but in the future interface for Adaptec on the Web GUI will be implemented.

Is it possible to hide the snapshot and printer shares, which are usually shown as SMB-Shares, from the clients?

We are working on the option to hide snapshot share and also printer share. It will be available in future versions on Open-E NAS Software.

Hi, I am interested in buying your product. can you tell me what protocols are supported for sharing resources?

Open-E systems supports SMB/CIFS, NFS, AFP(AppleTalk), FTP and HTTP Browser

Could you please give me the detailed parameter of the 'IPfrag tuning', 'Jumbo Frames Config', 'NFS Daemon tuning' , 'Read ahead disk tuning' and 'iSCSI daemon option ' in the 'Tuning options'.

IPfrag Tuning - it si apcket fragmentation section. You can set arnage of it in this option

Jumbo Frames Config also called MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) - refers to the size (in bytes) of the largest packet that a given layer of a communications protocol can pass onwards.

NFS Daemon tuning - you can set how many NFS daemons you want to have run in the system. On some system NFS causes NFS timeouts and chnging this value then helps. It also can improve NFS performance.

Read ahead disk tuning - with this option you can increase for better performance size of cache. In some cases it is rquierd to decrese it for better compatiblity.

iSCSI daemon option - in this option you can set values of iSCSI target:

a) MaxRecvDataSegmentLength - Sets the maximum data segment length that can be received. This value should be set to multiples of PAGE_SIZE. Currently the maximum supported value is 64 * PAGE_SIZE, e.g. 262144 if PAGE_SIZE is 4kB. Configuring too large values may lead to problems allocating sufficient memory, which in turn may lead to SCSI commands timing out at the initiator host. The default value is 8192.
b) MaxBurstLength - Sets the maximum amount of either unsolicited or solicited data the initiator may send in a single burst. Any amount of data exceeding this value must be explicitly solicited by the target. This value should be set to multiples of PAGE_SIZE. Configuring too large values may lead to problems allocating sufficient memory, which in turn may lead to SCSI commands timing out at the initiator host. The default value is 262144.
c) MaxXmitDataSegmentLength - Sets the maximum data segment length that can be sent. This value actually used is the minimum of MaxXmitDataSegmentLength and the MaxRecvDataSegmentLength announced by the initiator. It should be set to multiples of PAGE_SIZE. Currently the maximum supported value is 64 * PAGE_SIZE, e.g. 262144 if PAGE_SIZE is 4kB. Configuring too large values may lead to problems allocating sufficient memory, which in turn may lead to SCSI commands timing out at the initiator host. The default value is 8192.
d) DataDigest - If set to "CRC32C" and the initiator is configured accordingly, the integrity of an iSCSI PDU's data segment will be protected by a CRC32C checksum. The default is "None". Note that data digests are not supported during discovery sessions.
e) MaxOutstandingR2T - Controls the maximum number of data transfers the target may request at once, each of up to MaxBurstLength bytes. The default is 1.
f) InitialR2T - If set to "Yes" (default), the initiator has to wait for the target to solicit SCSI data before sending it. Setting it to "No" allows the initiator to send a burst of FirstBurstLength bytes unsolicited right after and/or (depending on the setting of ImmediateData together with the command. Thus setting it to "No" may improve performance.
g) ImmediateData - This allows the initiator to append unsolicited data to a command. To achieve better performance, this should be set to "Yes". The default is "No".
h) DataPDUInOrder - It tells initiator if data has to be sent in order. Defualt is "Yes", which is also recommended.
i) DataSequencerInOrder - It tells initiator if data has to be sent in order. Defualt is "Yes", which is also recommended.
j) HeaderDigest - If set to "CRC32C" and the initiator is configured accordingly, the integrity of an iSCSI PDU's header segments will be protected by a CRC32C checksum. The default is "None". Note that header digests are not supported during discovery sessions.
k) Wthreads - The iSCSI target employs several threads to perform the actual block I/O to the device. Depending on your hardware and your (expected) workload, the number of these threads may be carefully adjusted. The default value of 8 should be sufficient for most purposes.

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