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Thread: Vanhishing backup device

  1. #1

    Default Vanhishing backup device


    Some times, although rarely, my Quantum SuperLoader 3 just disappears from the backup devices list. The only way to get it recognized again is to reboot the NSS, which is not a solution for a production system.

    Is there any way to "refresh" the backup device list without a reboot.

    The autoloader is connected through an Adaptec AIC790X U320 and all the cabling is well connected and secured.

    Why does this happen and how can I bring it back without a reboot to the NSS?

    Kind Regards

  2. #2


    We would have to look into the logs to see what is happening. It could be several issues related with resources. I have seen also that changing the speed will fix this issue, if possible drop down the speed 160,80... and check. Mostly this looks like a hardware issue or setting.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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