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Thread: How to delete duplicate snapshot task?

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  1. #1

    Default How to delete duplicate snapshot task?


    Please how can I delete duplicate Snapshot task? I have one task twice in list, but dateone of them is wrong.

    snapbackup003 2009-01-26 23:54:01
    Size: 50.00 GB
    Status: in use/active
    Usage: 22.55%

    snapbackup003 2007-06-11 09:26:01
    Size:50.00 GB
    Status: in use/active
    Usage: 22.55%

    Thanks Kopr

  2. #2


    Dear Kopr,

    Tasks can be deleted from the GUI (Maintenance->Snapshot) then press on the plus sign next to the volume group name, and click on the snapshot. At the end of the page "Schedules for snapshot task" you will see list of all tasks and next to each task there will be a red "X" for deleting the task.


  3. #3


    Dear Sh-J,

    this is normal way, but not useful for me. When I delete scheduled task, then removed only one of duplicated tasks from list. The second in list persists.


  4. #4


    Dear kopr,

    Please, send me a screenshot from the GUI showing the issue, and please also include the system logs. (Status->Hardware)

    You can send them to support ( at ) open-e ( dot ) com
    Last edited by Al-S; 03-13-2012 at 02:34 PM. Reason: update the email

  5. #5

    Default How to delete duplicate files

    Here is a good tool to find and delete duplicate files

  6. #6


    i was really in a fix how to solve this problem...thanks guys for the time befitting advice....

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