I just created a snapshot of an iSCSI volume and it looks good:
Größe:150.00 GB
Status:In Verwendung/aktiv
in Betrieb:0.23%
Looks good..
My question:
If I have a problem with the volume I am snapshotting and I want to restore a certain state - lets say the state of 2 hours ago.. How do I restore that state?
You can create many snapshots per logical volume and you can create many schedules for each snapshot.
So one snapshot can be scheduled for mon - fri at 2pm - 4pm and then create another schedule for that same snapshot for 4:01pm - 6pm and so on. Just dont overlap the same snapshot for the schedules.
I will give the german support team a call on monday, I think it makes no sense to discuss this specific issue on the forums any further.. Especially because I do not know how to really articulate my problems in english..
But thanks for your support! Really, I really apreciate it!
Based on my experience, the best way is to schedule the snapshot is to do it in weekly base. Then, after it's done. Stop the schedule and mount the snapshot as a regular volume. Then copy the data to the volume and that's it... So it is very simple procedure.
For other snapshot time, you just run the schedule again.
It seems that you mixed up between snapshot and backup. Back is used to save the data till you decide to delete it manually -like archive- But snapshot is like a temporary backup. As it only saved till the second snapshot time starts.
I have found the perfect backup solution for our environment. This software is able to back-up (full backup / incremental backup) our running xenserver hosts without downtime -> that was exactly what I was looking for.
The snapshot feature of the open-E Software did not do it for us, as xenserver refused to mount such a snapshot, as "linked to another SR that is already mounted".