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Response from someone in the VMWare community regarding my uploaded VMKernel Logs:
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There seems to be an issue with storage:
Jun 3 01:01:18 vmhost-1 vmkernel: 3:15:42:27.023 cpu4:4239)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_TaskMgmtAbortCommands: vmhba33:CH:0 T:1 L:2 : Abort task response indicates task with itt=0x1107006 has been completed on the target but the task response has not arrived ...
Jun 3 01:01:18 vmhost-1 vmkernel: 3:15:42:27.272 cpu4:4239)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_ConnSetupScsiResp: vmhba33:CH:0 T:1 CN:0: Task not found: itt 17854470
1- There is an IO timeout (i.e storage is not responding to IO on time) which cases ESX iSCSI initiator to send an abort for that IO.
2- It appears that the storage responds to that with "task does not exist" but later the storage sends response the IO task. That is in violation of iSCSI protocol and ESX initiator drops the connection. This seems to keep happening very often.
ESX 3.5 s/w iscsi initator would just ignore that case but ESX 4 initiaror is very strict about protocol violation.
It appears you are using Open-E DSS, I do not think it is certified with ESX4 yet. Could you post the version of DSS you are using ?.
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