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Thread: failover with multipath

  1. #1

    Default failover with multipath


    I'm currently trying to set up Failover between to DSS5 machines. Both machines have 4 NICs. 2

    are bonded and dedicated for replication. The other 2 nics are connected to seperate switches.

    DSS1 NIC1 -> Switch1
    DSS1 NIC2 -> Switch2
    DSS2 NIC1 -> Switch1
    DSS2 NIC2 -> Switch2

    We're using Ubuntu Linux as Xen-dom0 hosts on which the iSCSI targets are initiated. We were

    adviced not to bond the NICs in a Linux enviroment for performance reasons, but to configure

    multipath on the Linux hosts.

    My problem now is that for failover I can only configure one IP as primary and secondary node. This means that Failover is bound to one of the NICs. So if for example NIC1 on DSS1 fails then the failover to DSS2 will start even though DSS1 is still reachable via NIC2 on DSS1.

    Can you tell me if there is away around this letting failover check both NICs on the DSS?

  2. #2


    Well, I don't know how to do what you're asking, but I can address a tangential issue:
    Open-E is a Linux environment, and bonding improves performance between Open-E systems. So, bonding DOES increase performance in some linux environments.

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