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Thread: The feature request thread!!!

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Thread has been visited 46752 times.
  1. #31

    Default Fast Way of Getting Data off NAS to External Device.

    I would like to see a feature where you can connect a device either Hard Drive, USB Hard Drive etc to the NAS and export data from one of the NAS shares directly onto the NTFS or FAT32 formatted drive.

    This feature would be extremely useful from a product deployment view when you have to extract 800GB - 900GB of data to a portable device to be shipped out.

    - This should be easy to implement, i use other NAS OS's that have similar abilities.

  2. #32

    Default File Manager at Storage Level "QuiXplorer"

    I have found this feature to be an extremely useful device on our other NAS devices. File Manager right at the storage level that can do:

    * Browsing directories; showing names, file sizes,
    file types, modification times and permissions
    * Copying, moving and deleting files
    * Searching for files and directories
    * Uploading and downloading files
    * Editing text files
    * Creating new files and directories
    * Changing file permissions

    I have used this feature on so many occasions on the Other OS we use i can't imagine what i would do without it - however DSS does not have this feature and i find the data hard to manage on our DSS devices.

    Theres a project out there that these other OS's use
    and i think Open-E should consider implementing this or a similar solution.

  3. #33

    Default Dedicated RSYNC Client

    I would also like to see a Dedicated RSYNC client on the NAS that performs all: Server, Client and Local functionality.

  4. #34


    Snapshot merging: Both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Fedora 13 and 14 support LVM snapshot merging (where an active snapshot can become the primary volume permanently). When is Open-E going to have this? This would make snapshots a far more useful feature.

    Also, I really like the ability to start and stop snapshots through the API!

  5. #35


    Replying to myself:
    Snapshot merging has been available since LVM version 2.02.58 (Open-E uses 2.02.33 currently, I believe) and Linux kernel 2.6.33 (I'm not sure what version Open-E uses, but I think it might be something like 2.6.27). So, it should be relatively painless to implement (Open-E will have to update those packages eventually, anyways), and would make snapshots far, far more useful. At least initially, it makes sense to have snapshot merging only available via the console and/or the API, but this would be greatly appreciated!!!

  6. #36


    I would like to see the ability to shrink volume sizes without deleting the entire volume in a manner similar to enlarging them.

  7. #37


    Yes we do get this request but the problem is that it would be extremely expensive to have this and dedicate allot of development time as we have thought about this 2 years ago so we decided to go with higher feature development instead.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default SAS Target

    Since SCST v2 is in use now, can we finally get SAS targets? It would be a great alternative to FC.

  9. #39

    Default uPnP

    uPnP + DLNA or the supposedly the Home Edition DSS option.

    Last heard in 2008; any updates?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by enealDC
    Since SCST v2 is in use now, can we finally get SAS targets? It would be a great alternative to FC.
    next release:
    LSI SAS driver MegaRAID SAS ver 4.31

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