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Thread: LUNs seen by only one Node in ESX3.5 Cluster

  1. #1

    Question LUNs seen by only one Node in ESX3.5 Cluster

    I am testing DSS to see if both nodes of my ESX cluster can see the DSS iSCSI targets at the same time to ensure auto failover and Virtual Host Auto migration will work.

    My configuration is as follows:

    Data Storage Software V6
    6.0up06.8101.3535 32 bit

    I have 2 ESX 3.5 servers.
    One of the 2 ESX servers sees the DSS server as below
    Device Capacity Available SAN Identifier LUN
    vmhba32:4:4 64.94 GB 64.94 GB iqn.2009-08:dss.target0 4

    The other ESX server does not see the DSS server.

    I have tried re-creating the iSCSI targets several times, including changing the LUN from 0 to 4
    Each time I have peformed the follwing:
    1. chosen a Rescan (in Configuration, Hardware, Storage Adapaters in vcenter)
    2. in DSS, Maintenance, Connections, iSCSI connections reset

    In Volume Manager my logical volume is File I/O type.

    Can anyone tell me what I could be doing wrong?


  2. #2


    Did you add the luns to the target in the DSS?
    (click on the + sign on the DSS side)
    check that you are not using the same lun numbers, vmware does not like that
    do not use lun number 0

  3. #3

    Default Fixed

    Just for the benefit of others, here is how I fixed the problem.
    In vcenter console, click on host, configuration, Storage Adapters, click on the iSCSI Software Adapter vmhba32, click Properties, then Dynamic Discovery.
    Add the DSS server IP in there (with the port 3260).
    Then it all worked ie both nodes could now see the DSS server.
    After that I also found problems with HA (could not get HA working on my 2 ESX nodes.)
    During investigating the HA problems I found a discrepency in the subnet masks on Service Console 2. One node had a class B subnet, and the other had a class C subnet.
    Once I fixed the discrepency and rebooted both the nodes and the vcenter machine, HA started to work.
    This may explain why I needed to add the host in the Dynamic Discovery tab.
    I will try to remove Dynamic discovery and see if the subnet mask discrepency was the root cause but I'd bet money that it was the root cause.

  4. #4

    Red face Don't use LUN0

    BTW thanks for your advice SYMM
    I was using LUN4 as I had read about the ESX not liking LUN0

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