I am unable to use the Software installation method on a Dell PowerEdge 1950.
When I get to the license agreement screen I can press Agree or Disagree. After pressing Agree I see a error messages flashing by which is too fast to read. I do see that it is a Python error of sorts. When I press Back I see this message Flash again.
I can only select Shut Down or Reboot.
The onboard disk is a 73GB mirror on the onboard Perc6/i
I also have a Infortrend A24S disk array connected through a SAS5/E card.
When I run from CD I correctly see the HW raid controller and volume. Under Software raid I see the 4.5TB Infortrend LUN. That must mean that the controllers are detected.
According to the Quick start guide I should create a 2GB LUN on the Perc controller. So I created a 2000MB large logical disk but I still do not get a screen with the disks in the software installer.
Could this happen because I have a disk larger then 4TB?