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Thread: FTP problem

  1. #1

    Default FTP problem


    I have to follow problem using the File Transfer Protocol:

    I enabled the "Use FTP" option in the "NAS settings" menu in order to acces a share via FTP. SSL/TLS encryption is disabled. Then I created a new share and granted my user access to it. Then I enabled the "Use FTP" setting for the share and set the FTP connection type to "Users with password". When trying to connect to the share via FTP, I always get a "530 Login incorrect" error message. I've checked the FTP logfile and it says

    FTP session opened.
    PAM(<username>): Authentication failure.
    USER <username> (Login failed): Incorrect password.
    FTP session closed.
    But I'm absolutely sure that I entered the password correctly. I can access the share via FTP if the connection type is set to "Anonymous mode" and accessing the share via SMB is no problem either.

    So what could be the problem? Or is there anything special that has to be done in order to use account based FTP?

    Best regards

  2. #2


    What version of the NAS-R3 are you using? Also what is the FTP program? Any ADS Authentication or are you using the Internal LDAP?
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    I'm using version 5.0.DB49000000.3294 of the NAS-R3 with the internal LDAP. I've tried to connect with different FTP clients: FileZilla v3.3.0.1, Total Commander v7.50a and even with the Internet Explorer 8. But I always get the same error.


  4. #4


    have you tried to create a new user to see if this happens on a new user?

  5. #5


    Yes, I've already tried it with a new user. And I've also tried altering the password. But I still get the same error

  6. #6


    Can you send in the logs using the support form from link below.

    Make sure to register the NAS-R3.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  7. #7



    Which FTP Client or FTP via a browser using...? Also check that the port setting are correct on your firewall, and router if you have one.....

  8. #8


    I have also the same problem but anyway thanks for this and I will try to solve this. Thanks for the help.

  9. #9


    Thanks, great post

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