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Thread: Right problems: DSS V6 and Apple OSX

  1. #1

    Default Right problems: DSS V6 and Apple OSX

    Hi all

    I done a lot of support mails and telephone with open-e, and the DSS V6 still not really working with OSX 10.6. There are still right problems, and you can't copy files to the server.

    I'm thinking there aren't any OSX 10.6 for testing at open-e...

    Are there not many people which are using OSX 10.6 and DSS V6 with a SMB connection?

    Because i have more then one customer, which use the DSS V6 in a mixed network (OSX, WIN7 and WINXP) i really need SMB.

    Best regards, reto

  2. #2


    Anyone using OSX 10.6 with Open-e DSS V6 and the SMB protocoll ???

    Best regards
    Reto Schmid

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