Hi There,
The answer to your question, I believe, is YES :-)
There is a good white-paper on the open-e knowledge base on this topic.
We have a single ESXi 4 box with numerous NIC's including two onboard with TCPoE etc.
We also have a DSS v6 server running the lastest open-e.
We have created two vswitches and conencted a single VM kernel port to each on their own subnet. Each of the onboard NIC's have been connected to one of the vswitches.
The DSS box also has two onboard NIC's with TCPoE. These have each been allocated an IP on the same subnets as the VM kernel ports and two ethernet cables connect the onboard DSS servers NIC's to the corresponding onboard ESXI servers NIC's.
The key here is to have two physically and virtually isolated networks.
Assuming your iSCSI LUN's are already setup, you just add the two IP's of the DSS server (each on different subnet's remember) to the ESXi iSCSI Sofware to Hardware adapters Send Targets and the LUN should show up. Once this is done create your VMFS volume and then select that volume under Storage-Datastores and hit properties followed by Manage paths. We use a Path Selection mode of Round Robin to benefit from the performance and redundancy benefits of multipathing!
Good luck!
If it can go wrong, it generally will!