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Thread: Bacula Integration as Backup Client?

  1. #1

    Default Bacula Integration as Backup Client?

    I'd REALLY appreciate if Bacula was integrated as Backup Client.

    We are using Bacula as a reliable, company wide solution and surely will not drop it. By now DSS-Shares have to be mounted somewhere in order to back them up, which is very uncomfortable.

    Are there any new plans on integrating a Bacula-fd in DSS?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Hamburg, Germany


    My similar request (a few months ago) was denied because of IP protection reasons. So I doubt they're open to changes in that area.


  3. #3


    Same here. I was also requesting the same thing, but they denied for some bad reasons.


    Quote Originally Posted by jmo
    My similar request (a few months ago) was denied because of IP protection reasons. So I doubt they're open to changes in that area.


  4. #4


    jmo, annibelle thanks for replying.

    Think this is really a PITA.
    It's kind of hard to imagine what reasons that might have been.....

    Anyway, feel free to sign this post if you feel bacula (or anothe OSS backup-tool like amanda) should be integrated in DSS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Hamburg, Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by TGI Friday
    [...]It's kind of hard to imagine what reasons that might have been.....[...]
    open-e doesn't want anybody to have a closer look at what's inside their "Linux distro" and want to protect their configuration mechanisms by keeping the system closed.

    With a bacula agent you can access any file on the system, voiding their attempts to keep it closed. Only a Bacula agent with directory access restrictions implied by local rulesets (on the DSS, therefore under open-e control) might be a valid client from their point of view - at least that's what I imply from their responses. Not that I know of such an agent: open-e would have to go throught the effort of creating a chroot jail including access to the mount points of the shares and the image/device files for iSCSI/FC resources.


  6. #6



    thanks for sharing insights and clarification!

    This might be a valid argument for a vendor point of view.
    From a customer point of view this limitation makes DSS less atractive, though.

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