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Thread: NFS Shares do not appear on network

  1. #1

    Default NFS Shares do not appear on network


    I have a brand new NAS with:

    Model: Data Storage Software V6
    Version: 6.0up45.8101.4622 64bit
    Release date: 2010-07-26

    I have configured a Vol. group and then a first NAS volume (for my VMs). Then I created a Share on this volume and activate NFS sharing. This is working well (I mean I see the share on the network through NFS).
    Now, I create a second NAS volume (for my Users) and created as before a Share on this volume with NFS sharing. This volume does not appear on the network (showmount -e returns only the first share).
    I tried to create another NAS volume -> same issue.
    I tried to create another Share under the first volume -> same issue.

    Any idea would be very appreciated.
    Thank you,

  2. #2


    Try to update to the latest build 4786.

    Then run the repair filesystem from the Extended tool from the Console screen enter CNTRL + ALT + X then run the utility then see if there are errors and this will restart the system, it could be something with the RAID Array.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    Hi Todd,

    first: thank you to answer so quickly.
    second: I have followed exactly what you told and it works like a charm... I am a little bit surprised.

    Anyway, this problem seems to be solved.

    Tank you again,

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