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Thread: Does Open-E provide any VMware VCP’s or vExpert’s the ability to test your software?

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  1. #1

    Default Does Open-E provide any VMware VCP’s or vExpert’s the ability to test your software?

    Does Open-E provide any VMware VCP’s or vExpert’s the ability to test your software?

    I typically like to test SAN storage software that are known in the market and would like to test the DSS V6 with my VMware vSphere environments.

    If so please let me know and I will provide my results. Maybe a full cummunity can be started here?

    Many thanks!

  2. #2


    Hey rykerlee!!

    Yes this is a great idea and I think we can provide this to you and to others as well that are a VMware vExpert, VCP or a VCI Professional.

    I was thinking that we can offer a DSS V6 Unlimited version providing you provide us with some results in areas that are helpful to others.

    With the DSS V6 Unlimited version this worth it for both of us and maybe there are many others on the Open-E Forum's that are VMware vExpert's, VCP and or VCI Professionals that want this as well.

    If you are really serious let me know and we can set something up for you to get you started.

    Thanks again, really good idea!
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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  3. #3

    Default Interested in the Step-by-step Test:)

    I'm a VCP and I really want to test the Open-e:;

    It's Setup
    It's Configuration
    It's Networking
    It's Failover in clustering / Replication
    It's performance

    Please if you have those steps, post them here so we can benefit and others might be benefit as well.


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