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Thread: System freezes

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  1. #1

    Default System freezes

    Hello. Here, in our company we have turned again an old Storage. We are trying to use it for old backups of our files.

    Well, after turned it on, when I acces to the control panel via Http using his ip address, the webpage halts and always appears a blank screen. all screens and all sections are blank. There is an small logo in the bottom saying "please wait" but nothing happens after 10 mins

    Any help please? i'm a newby using this storage

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    please try an older version of chrome, or try firefox.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    The error messages indicate a problem with the boot media also.
    You can try the repair file system function in the console at CNTRL+ALT+X, or replace it with a new image.

  4. #4


    Check your RAID unit for errors: run verify via RAID controller tool, check SMART status and so on.

    After that run 'File System Repair' from console with CTRL+ALT+X which will fix errors on NAS and System Volume.

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