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View Poll Results: Do you like the idea of additional guidance in the messages?

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  • I love it!

    2 40.00%
  • I like it.

    1 20.00%
  • It's ok, but don't spend much time on it.

    2 40.00%
  • I'm rather against it.

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Thread: Guide mechanism in messages

Thread has average rating 5.00 / 5.00 based on 3 votes.
Thread has been visited 36063 times.
  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Lightbulb Guide mechanism in messages

    There are some places in the User Interface where you may get lost. Especially when something happens, you get some message (error, warning, info) and... a question arise "what should I do now?". We would like to help you a bit and include some guidelines on what to do next. This thread is dedicated to this topic. Feel free to share your opinions!

    Remember that this is a work in progress. You will not find it in any version currently available.

    Below you have an image showing simple guideline. In the additional box you can see an option to do something about the message.

    You can actually click this and you will be taken to a proper page in the User Interface. What's more, the page will scroll to the required form and mark it. Example of marked module is below.

    Here is another example of a guideline.

    The guideline itself is built to be as contextual as possible. It means that if you create a Volume Group, a guideline link will lead to this particular Volume Group (open its page - just like you would click its name in the tree menu on the left).

    Please share your thoughts on this. It's something we would like to add to Open-E DSS V6.
    Last edited by Ma-S; 05-05-2011 at 10:40 AM.

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