I have two DSS V6 servers, version:6.0up13.8101.3902 32bit
I want to transfer files between them. They have the same configuration as below:
FXP support is enabled. There's a nas share named "test", its "Use FTP" is enabled.
I login to ftp server with user and password through FlashFXP, when i transfer file test.file(size:5KB) from server A to B, it hangs after FTP command STOR:
[10:52:07] [右] TYPE I
[10:52:07] [右] 200 Type set to I
[10:52:07] [右] PASV
[10:52:07] [右] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,8,176,233,248).
[10:52:07] [左] PORT 192,168,8,176,233,248
[10:52:07] [左] 200 PORT command successful
[10:52:07] [右] STOR test.file

After several minutes, the size of test.file on server B is still 0.
Can any one tell me what's the problem with this?
Thank you!