we have upgraded from NAS-XSR to DSSv6 lately.
There were serveral users and shares configured over internal LDAP on the XSR.
After installing DSSv6 we reimported UID and GID mappings, but there was a conflict with the GID mappings from the older XSR.
The group id 101 wich was the Administrators group on the XSR is now the primary group "users". After importing the mappings both group have the id 101. As the Administrators group should not contain all users in the system and no two groups should have the same gid we tried a restart.
After restart we were able to remove all groups except the users (primary) group.
But then we weren't able to get any mappings (neither uid nor gid) downloaded.
Now we have the users group left, but there seems to be no mapping existing.
Is there any way to recover the group management functions without resetting the whole setup or configuration to factory defaults? Which group has the id 100? This group number is shown in the ACLs under Windows without any name.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards