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Thread: ESXi 5 - using VMFS Datastores >2TB?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default ESXi 5 - using VMFS Datastores >2TB?

    We can define VMFS5 Datastores larger than 2TB on ESXi 5.

    I have some questions?

    1. If we increase LV on DSS from 2TB to 4TB, is it possible to "increase&convert" 2TB (VMFS3) Datastore (originally created on ESXi 4.1) to 4TB (VMFS5) Datastore?

    2. I see, using one big LUN is much more flexible than 2 smaller, but if we compare the speed, is there any difference? By myself, I've noticed very low benchmark using GPT on Win64 systems. I know, this is very different OS, but...

    The transition to the a new VMFS5 is irreversible, it's good to know all possible traps.
    Last edited by Toni Bizjak; 03-03-2012 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Toni Bizjak
    We can define VMFS5 Datastores larger than 2TB on ESXi 5.

    I have some questions?

    1. If we increase LV on DSS from 2TB to 4TB, is it possible to "increase&convert" 2TB (VMFS3) Datastore (originally created on ESXi 4.1) to 4TB (VMFS5) Datastore, yet or ever?
    You can grow the volume from the DSS V6 webGUI, the conversion needs to be done on the vmware side. I suspect you need to make the conversion before growing the volume.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toni Bizjak
    2. I see, using one big LUN is much more flexible than 2 smaller, but if we compare the speed, is there any difference? By myself, I've noticed very low benchmark using GPT on Win64 systems. I know, this is very different OS, but...
    This really shouldn't affect speeds(provided it doesnt cross arrays), it's more of a management issue.

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