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Thread: Proper way to upgrade to B6156 from B5845 in iSCSI HA config?

  1. #1

    Default Proper way to upgrade to B6156 from B5845 in iSCSI HA config?

    What's the best way to proceed to upgrade a production HA iSCSI failover cluster running B5845?

    We can't take the iSCSI targets down...

    Do we upgrade the secondary unit first, manually failover to it once it's running again, and then upgrade the primary?
    MJP Technologies - Intel Technology Provider Platinum Member

  2. #2


    This video shows how.
    2010.10.12 How to update DSS V6 with Auto Failover
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    Thanks, Todd - should've known to check the video library
    MJP Technologies - Intel Technology Provider Platinum Member

  4. #4


    No worries I forgot to state that you had the right process to update the Secondary first then once back online make sure all is working then do the Failover from the Primary then update then once back up then use the Sync button from the Secondary then wait till volumes are Sync'd up then do the Failback button and you are good to go.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  5. #5


    Just watched the video again - I remember seeing it before because the audio/video is a little out of sync, hehe.

    It's good to know that updates can be done either way (primary or secondary first)... We'll probably get it scheduled for a weekend maintenance window.

    Thanks for the quick replies, too, wow
    MJP Technologies - Intel Technology Provider Platinum Member

  6. #6

    Default video library

    Thanks, Todd - should've known to check the video library

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