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Thread: New Test - Trial license rubbish through put

  1. #1

    Default New Test - Trial license rubbish through put

    hi guys,

    I am testing a larger implemenation of DSS6 at the moment under a trial license

    details are

    24 x 1Tb Seagate ES.2 drives
    2 x 9500s 3ware controllers (12 discs on each controller 11 in a R5 + HS)
    Tyan motherboard
    twin Xeon Processors
    2 Gb ram (currently)
    1 100mb nic
    2 1000mb nics

    its not great hardware but its a step up from our current 8 disk system.

    everything is working as it should apart from throughput, i can barely get 10Mb/s from a share on the server.

    if i transfer between machines (even old machines with a gb interface) i can get 20 or 30 minimum between my SSD and a HDD over 60

    any help would be great because this just isn't going to be usable

  2. #2


    Local Disk another W7 PC (mapped drive) NAS NFS Iscsi Drive
    Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read
    Time to Complete 0.58 2.13 23.88 34.52 90.00 91.00 0.58 89.42
    Mbps 14,178.00 3,830.00 343.00 237.00 90.00 90.00 13,933.00 91.00

    Test File Size 1024Mb

    hopefully this looks ok on the screen, but basically the iscsi read and the NFS R/W are about 2 or 3 times slower than a single disk W7 Mapped drive
    the write speed on the iscsi is crazy it copys about 95% of the file then seems to site for a couple of seconds then finish

    these were calculated on a little tool i use sometimes called "Lan Speed Test"

    any ideas would be appreciated, i would like to do a local test just to figure out if its os / is there a facility withing DSS to do "test" file copies ?


  3. #3
    Pi-L Guest


    any chances you are using your 100mbps card instead of 1gb?

  4. #4


    lol, no

    i did check that, all connections were in at one point, but now i am testing on a single gigabit link, with nothing else connected.

    i really can't understand why we are limited to so slow a connection, its very disappointing, i know the hardware isn't great but it should function better then a old PC with 1 HDD in surely


  5. #5
    Pi-L Guest


    Is your trial licence still active? Please note that after 60 days since volume group creation trial is over and bandwidth limited to 100mpbs.

  6. #6


    Further update

    booted to a centos live cd, and ran there disc benchmark tool, reports a 400MB/s average 250MB/s

    so short of flatting the array and building a linux / win2008 system on it i don't know what else i can test

    network seems fine (between 2 W7 machines i can copy quickly" the array seems to match what we would expect from the hardware.

    if open-e can suggest something i'm all ears

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Pi-L View Post
    Is your trial licence still active? Please note that after 60 days since volume group creation trial is over and bandwidth limited to 100mpbs.
    Trial has 58 days remaining

  8. #8


    how do i check what speed the nic is connected as, its a gigabit nic (e1000) but i want to make sure it negotiated at 1000 not 100??

  9. #9
    Pi-L Guest


    The best would be if you could open a support ticket and send us your logs so support team can analyse if everything is configured properly.
    Last edited by Pi-L; 05-29-2012 at 10:28 AM.

  10. #10


    ok i'll do that

    but out of interest how do you check what speed the lan port is connected as, as the more i think about this and the more i test, the more it makes sense that its connecting at 100mb, but other devices are connecting at 1Gb and this one does when booting to bartpe


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