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Thread: iSCSI MPIO throughtput limited to 1G with ESXi 5.X

  1. #1

    Default iSCSI MPIO throughtput limited to 1G with ESXi 5.X


    i run in this problem and fixed it by using this commands:

    esxcli storage nmp device list
    esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set -d <DEVICE ID> --iops 1 --type iops

    How to make it fix for reboot?

    This old stuff won't work:

    [root@esx ~]# nano /etc/rc.local
    # Fixing iSCSI MPIO throughtput limited to 1G.
    esxcli nmp device list | grep ^eui |
    while read device ; do
    esxcli nmp roundrobin setconfig --type "iops" --iops 1 --device ${device}

  2. #2


    Okay, found it. It is by default fixed for reboot. No need to script in ESXi 5.x only set the esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set -d <DEVICE ID> --iops 1 --type iops on all Hosts.

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