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Thread: Simple problems

  1. #1

    Default Simple problems

    we use succesfully iscsi-enterprise in 15 servers but now we must buy more.
    A problem to find the right hardware.
    We think to use dell 1950 + perc 5/e + md1000 but with demo cd seems that nor the raid controller, nor the network adapter are supported (the version used in demo cd is older then the production updates) so i don't know if this hardware can work.

    Another question is where to put dom in a system like this:
    no ide port are present inside and no usb port on m/b like you use in R3 version.
    Why not use a simple usb port to boot dom so more hardware can support simply open-e?

    Can you give us a way to use an hardware like this?

  2. #2


    Yes, you can use our External USB Cable part# 1482.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    thank you for reply.
    Can you specify if perc 5/e and broadcom netextreme 2 are supported by iscsi r3 and nas r3?

  4. #4


    Currently we do not have full support for the PERC 5/e all listed DELL PERC are listed on the link below. I know we have drivers for the PERC 5/e installed for the R-3 family but we have not certified this currently. We should be completing this in the near future, but no set date as of yet.

    I am checking on your Broadcom Netextreme 2 so if possible can you send me your email address with attention Todd Maxwell at so that I can reply promptly concerning the NIC. By they way what does your company do that has so many of our products - could we use you as a reference, let me know this may be helpfull to you as well
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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