NAS 2.0 and IDE drives
We have a NAS 2.0 module and we have tried connecting an IDE drive to the system.
Via the console, C-A-H under the hardware listing it lists the drive.
When we go into the web browser interface, under setup-disk-disk manager it doesn't show any drives.
We have updated the module to the latest update, and thought that it supported IDE drives.
What are we doing wrong?
Is there any listed in the Disk Manager? Do you have any Volume Groups that is currently
being used?
All the best,
Todd Maxwell
As indicated in my first post.
If we go into disk manager, there are no drives showing and no volume groups in use.
They are listed in the C-A-H listing in the console.
Any ideas? We have tried different drives of different capacities and they all show up in the console listing but not in disk manager.
See if you can go into Extended Tools ctrl. + alt. + x from the console and try to delete any Logical Volumes when you select Delete Logical Volumes and also try to the Delete Volume Groups as well. Are the drives new or used from an existing system. If from an existing system try to format the drives then re-install and test again.
All the best,
Todd Maxwell
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