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Thread: Active-Active HA with 10G NICs

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  1. #1

    Unhappy Active-Active HA with 10G NICs


    we would like to build a high-available cluster with networking HA like you did in your "Active-Active iSCSI Failover"-Guide.

    However we cant bond 2 NICs to connect them to different Switches, as we have 10G NICs and only 3 available (1 used for replication).

    My first shot would be to bond 2 NICs and assign them 2 IPs, so I can assign them to different VIPs. This would be easy with a normal linux, but I have no idea how to do that in open-e.

    If this isn't possible - what would be the best option to build an active-active HA cluster with 10G NICs instead of bonded 1G?

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2

    Default Re: Active-Active HA with 10G NICs

    If I'm understanding your description properly, your configuration is exactly like ours, and we are successfully doing active-active clustering.

    We have 3 10GB NICS per NAS. 2 connected to a 10GB switch, each on a different subnet. The third we use for replication traffic and this is direct connected between the 2 machines. You don't HAVE to do any bonding. In this case you're doing MPIO rather than bonding.

    Box A would have Nic 1 set as, Nic 2 set as Box B would have Nic 1 set as, Nic 2 set as Nic 3 you can just set to and 3.11.

    Now, when you do your initial server bonding, use the remote NIC3 address. Add the other 2 groupings as alternate paths. I'm not clear on why they want the VIPS to be on a completely different subnet... we aren't able to do that due to VLAN plicies on these switches. I'd be really curious as to the answer to that one. We just set our VIPs as and on machine A, and and on machine B.

    When you do your iscsi discovery, you'll have 4 paths show up. (if paths for the non VIP Ips show up, I just remove them. You want to use the VIP not the real IP)

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