I was handed a Digiliant Storage Server with 24 x 2TB drives and an Open-E DSS V7 CD. This is a brand new installation.
When I boot up the server, all drives appear to be in a RAID6 (can be changed in the WebBIOS), and when the Open-E installation starts, it asks for the drive I want to install it on, so my only choice is Drive 0 (the 40TB RAID6).
After the install, I can configure DSS through the web console. Our goal is simply to create a single 40TB share. When I first get into the web console, it says No Units found under Volume Groups, but if I go to Hardware RAID, it allows me to remove the existing one, and create one by choosing all 24 drives, which is our goal. It initializes the volume and I can mount the share it in Linux just fine, however, when the SAN is rebooted, it appears as if the Open-E software is no longer there, as if the initialization of the volume overwrote the management software.
What am I doing wrong? Is there supposed to be a separate partition for the management software? Am I supposed to use one of the 2TB drives as a separation management partition?
Can you contact the Digiliant guys as there should be some boot media to install the DSS onto like a SSD drive or SATA DOM or you can carve out a 2GB volume from the Array and make it the 1st boot order. IF you install it on the 40TB array then DSS will use all of it and you wont be able to use the 40TB.
Quick start guide can also provide some additional info on this as well.