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Thread: DSS v7 Installer error: No mediums found?

  1. #1

    Question DSS v7 Installer error: No mediums found?


    While installing DSS v7 on XenServer 6.2.0 SP1 on Dell T420 virtual machine, I've got the error: "No mediums found?" I guess, that means, the installer can't find any HD. I have standard RAID controller on Dell T420 Perc H310.

    I have no problem in installing any other VM, either Windows or Linux.

    Any ideas? Anybody has the pre-built DSS v7 VM for XenServer or appliance OVA/OVF file I can download?

    Thanks a lot,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    private message sent to you with solution.

  3. #3

    Default Hi everyone

    I having the same problem installing DSS V7 in Xen. Can you provide us any solution?



  4. #4


    For any who find their way here in the future, the solution is a special build for Xen.
    I won't post the link without approval, but I called in, and Good Guy Greg was kind enough to get me squared away.
    Just mention you need the _XEN build.

  5. #5


    I'm facing the same issue with exactly the same setup.
    Please help!!

  6. #6


    Can you post the solution for me too?

    Quote Originally Posted by alex075 View Post

    While installing DSS v7 on XenServer 6.2.0 SP1 on Dell T420 virtual machine, I've got the error: "No mediums found?" I guess, that means, the installer can't find any HD. I have standard RAID controller on Dell T420 Perc H310.

    I have no problem in installing any other VM, either Windows or Linux.

    Any ideas? Anybody has the pre-built DSS v7 VM for XenServer or appliance OVA/OVF file I can download?

    Thanks a lot,

  7. #7


    Check your inbox
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    Todd Maxwell

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  8. #8


    Some problem here.
    Trying to install dss7.0up16 in a virtual machine on a xen6.5 gives "No mediums found" and leaves me with the Options 'Reboot' and 'Shutdown'.

    Which way to go to try DSS7 under XenServer?

  9. #9


    Check your inbox
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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  10. #10


    Thanks Todd!
    The Xen-optimized Version of DSS7 you led me to works like a charm.

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