Changing Consistency Check and Patrol Read frequency
We are a using a production home made SAN based on an MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e raid controller with 20*3Tb disk and running Open-E DSS6 with unlimited licence.
The array uses 18 dsik in Raid 6 with 2 Hot Spare and lately we noticed slow down in disk access from our Hyper-V servers.
We mostly noticed it keeps doing :
_ "Consistency check" every week but the consistency check is taking longer and longer every week (we are now at over 5 days for a constency check every 7 days)
_ "Patrol Read" every week too (at the same time as the consistency check)
I found reference in the forum to changing those frequency but can't put my hand on how to change those parameters neither in Open-E GUI, Open-E Console or in LSI Mega raid tools.
So does anyone have an idea on how to change that.
P.S. I found out how to change the Patrol Read Rate and the Check Consistency Rate, and lowered both from 30 to 20% already, so what I'm looking for is how to change how often and when those tasks runs.