We have a couple of the following clusters setup:
Open-E DSS v7 (latest build) in Active/Passive iSCSI for VMware
Intel R2224GZ4GC
1 cluster pair uses RMS25CB080 (SAS 6Gb) controllers with 16x 480GB SSDs in each server
1 cluster pair uses RS3DC080 (SAS 12Gb) controllers with 12x 1TB SSDs in each server
All servers have 10Gb NICs (Intel X540-based)
Sync network is direct attach between a 10Gb NIC
We can't seem to EVER get over 200Mbits traffic on the sync network. We've tuned the DRBD settings, we've tested the data rates. And we've setup these servers with Windows and get a ridiculously high transfer rate when they're running any other OS. But, when we use Open-E, the rates are always slow.
We're about to upgrade another cluster pair from DSS v6 to DSS v7, and upgrade to 16x 1TB SSDs each, and I'm worried that we'll encounter the same issues.
Any ideas on what to look for, or, do we need to open a support case? We had discussed the setup with Intel engineers, and they said that we should be getting much better rates than we've been seeing. It's faster than spindles, by far, but, no where near where we should be at.
Oh, and I just noticed another post describing something similar: