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Thread: ERROR: No system volume found! System services can't work without system volume !

  1. #11


    ok, so to sum it up :
    i added a new empty drive in the slot 23 of my NAS
    so i have in slots 0 to 11, 12 disks, making one RAID6 unit where there is my VG0)
    now, i will reboot my NAS, open the web interface, and try to create a new VG on that disk in the slot23. Let's say VG1.
    then i can create a new share, on this VG1.
    how to backup the data from my VG0 to my VG1 ?

    i could renew my support licence, but im closer to buy a new equipement, cause this one is getting a bit old. So i'd like to get my datas back and start to choose my future solution

  2. #12
    Pi-L Guest


    share is just a mountpoint to your real data, so you create new share pointing to existing logical volume on your old volume group
    you backup your data by copying it from share to your local PC

  3. #13


    so, about following your link :

    lqqqqqqqqqqqq Volume group selection qqqqqqqqqqqqk
    x Select default volume group (system volume x
    x will be used on selected volume group): x
    x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
    x x (X) vg00 x x
    x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
    x < OK > <Cancel> x

    i get no choice in the menu.
    but vg00 seems already chosen, so it changes nothing in the end.

    i added a new disk in the NAS :

    //dssA0019718> /c7 show

    Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
    u0 RAID-6 OK - - 256K 18626.3 RiW OFF

    VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
    p8 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt0 ST32000644NS
    p9 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt1 ST32000644NS
    p10 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt2 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175
    p11 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt3 ST32000644NS
    p12 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt4 ST32000644NS
    p13 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt5 ST32000644NS
    p14 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt6 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175
    p15 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt7 ST32000644NS
    p16 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt8 ST32000644NS
    p17 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt9 ST32000644NS
    p18 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt10 ST32000644NS
    p19 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt11 ST32000644NS
    p20 OK - 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt23 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175

    in the slot23, so what should i do now ? sorry im a bit confused, and stressed to damage something else, that would lose my datas for good, so i ask many questions.

  4. #14
    Pi-L Guest


    I bet you didn't create new volume group yet, that's why you can't choose it as default one.
    Or if you did and the other one is missing then it may be corrupted for good.

    If you don't know what you are doing and you have very important data then its really better to handle it over to support people over remote session

  5. #15


    is it possible to validate my 2 previous posts please so i can keep my investigation ?
    if not, can you explain me why by private message please ?
    thx in advance

  6. #16


    just in case they disappeared here is where i am :

    About this link :
    i cant select something different than what is already selected :
    Transtec Data Storage Server Extended tools
    qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

    lqqqqqqqqqqqq Volume group selection qqqqqqqqqqqqk
    x Select default volume group (system volume x
    x will be used on selected volume group): x
    x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
    x x (X) vg00 x x
    x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
    x < OK > <Cancel> x

    i installed a new HDD in the NAS, on the slot 23
    my unit of 12 drives is on the slots 0 to 11
    //dssA0019718> /c7 show

    Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
    u0 RAID-6 OK - - 256K 18626.3 RiW OFF

    VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
    p8 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt0 ST32000644NS
    p9 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt1 ST32000644NS
    p10 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt2 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175
    p11 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt3 ST32000644NS
    p12 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt4 ST32000644NS
    p13 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt5 ST32000644NS
    p14 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt6 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175
    p15 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt7 ST32000644NS
    p16 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt8 ST32000644NS
    p17 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt9 ST32000644NS
    p18 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt10 ST32000644NS
    p19 OK u0 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt11 ST32000644NS
    p20 OK - 1.82 TB SATA - /c7/e0/slt23 ST2000NM0033-9ZM175

    in the web interface, that works perfectly, i cant access my shares, cause in the window "Configuration -> Nas ressources -> shares" i get this message "No system volume found."

    I wonder tho, why is the OS working, if the system can't read my shares ? aren't they on the same disk ?

    How to create a new share on this new disk, and what to do then ?
    I'm sorry i seem kinda lost, cause i'm in a stress to make something wrong, that would lose my datas for good. If someone could give me a step by step explanation, would be awesome !

  7. #17
    Pi-L Guest


    I wrote step by step two times already, but here it is again (please read carefully)
    - you inserted hdd, good. You should see it as available device where you create volume group. Create one. (You don't? Rescan)
    - in console tool select new volume group as default
    - create share to point to your old data
    - enable one of suitable protocols for it etc. etc.

  8. #18


    - you inserted hdd, good. You should see it as available device where you create volume group. Create one. (You don't? Rescan)
    - in console tool select new volume group as default

    I did those 2 steps. My new disk wasnt appearing, cause it wasnt set as a unit, in the RAID bios.

    now, how to create this share and to make it point to my old datas ? is it in CLI ? in web interface ? which menu ? cause i can't find

  9. #19


    i don't know if you are talking about creating a share through configuration->NAS Ressources->Shares
    But i did try to create a shared folder there, and got this error : bind_share:Error mounting share "test"

  10. #20


    Use the "Specify path" and look for the share in logical volumes you have then click once on the share then make sure you enter the share name and click apply.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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