Cluster stuck in Starting status after upgrading to up53
Been running through stepped upgrades on a few of the clusters (some of them from up12 to up54 without issue)..
One cluster, however, is stuck (for reference, we'll refer to one host as "1" and the other host as "2"):
After getting both to up50, we upgraded "2" to up53
Then we moved all resources to the "2" up53 so "1" could be rebooted into up53
After "1" up53 came back up, the "2" up53 changed from "Degraded" to "Starting" and won't change
We tried even upgrading "1" up 53 to up54, and "2" up53 is still the Primary node and is still showing "Starting" and will NOT get out of that mode.
On "2" up53, status is "active" and replication state is "synced" but the persistent reservation sync is "inactive"
Is there a quick fix to get this running? If we try to Start the cluster on "1" up54 - it warns us that it will become active and that if the other node is still active, we'll have problems...
iSCSI is still working properly, but, we can't get the cluster to properly Start...
MJP Technologies - Intel Technology Provider Platinum Member