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Thread: Do you get better performance by create a new ISCSI LV over just expanding it

  1. #1

    Default Do you get better performance by create a new ISCSI LV over just expanding it

    A quick question to find out what is the best way to expand a ISCSI volume if you care about performance.

    Do you get better performance by creating a new Logical Volume or expanding the Logical Volume?

    I need to increase the size of an ISCSI Logical Volume I know I can just increase the size, but would it better to create a new volume with the correct size from scratch?

    This is a new system, so want to make sure I have the best performance from my Logical Volumes from day one.



  2. #2


    Increasing an iSCSI Logical Volume will not decrease performance so you can expand your existing iSCSI Logical Volume without implications.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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