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Thread: Interface frozen

  1. #1

    Default Interface frozen


    A few times now i have experienced the interface to my open-e 6 box being completely frozen when i locally connect with a display / KVM.

    It was frozen on the standard view with IP adresses and the selftest / ok screen. but it did not answer any keystrokes and the normally blinking underscore was not blinking, leading me to believe it was just stuck.

    Last time this happened the box also stopped responding to ping and i had to way to fix this issue other than a hard reboot

    The critical logs doesn't reflect anything out of ordinary, other than the fact that i had to reboot it.

    Any experience with this before or thoughts? It felt very random and sudden

    Thank you!

  2. #2


    This sounds like the boot media is having issues. If you can try to get on the latest build of V6 then run the Repair filesystem from the Extended tools from the Console screen enter CTRL ALT X then select "Repair filesystem" then reboot. If that does not work you may have to look at the boot media failing.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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