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Thread: Migration from RAID5 to RAID6

  1. #1

    Question Migration from RAID5 to RAID6


    We have a SAN, with a lun0 which esxi hosts connect to on ISCSI

    We want to convert this raid 5 to a raid 6 and increase the size, can this be done without losing data?

    Also, i would like to backup our data first, i have two open-e dssv6 SANs. How do i best backup the data to the other SAN? We would like to use synchronous replication, but since the first datastore is going to increase in size and synchrounous replication demands same size, how do we do this the best way if this is the best solution?

    Thanks a lot for any answers, hope you can help.

  2. #2


    I believe you can do this with some of the RAID vendors without losing your data - please contact the RAID vendor to be 100%

    I would do the synchronous replication first before the RAID 5 to 6 that way you will have a copy of your data and if something happens with the upgrade to RAID 6 you can write to that server until the RAID 6 is resolved.
    synchrounous replication
    synchrounous replication
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by To-M View Post
    I believe you can do this with some of the RAID vendors without losing your data - please contact the RAID vendor to be 100%

    I would do the synchronous replication first before the RAID 5 to 6 that way you will have a copy of your data and if something happens with the upgrade to RAID 6 you can write to that server until the RAID 6 is resolved.
    synchrounous replication
    synchrounous replication
    Thanks for your answer.

    If i upgrade the LUN to be bigger, how can i synchronize the data back from SAN2s storage which is then a little smaller? Can i use asynchronous replication to replicate to a bigger storage? Or how would i then move the data from SAN2 to SAN1?

  4. #4


    Do the sync first before you increase the RAID, this way you will have a copy of your data.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  5. #5


    I will do that, but how do i get the data back if the LUNs are different size?

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