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Thread: Error: Cant move pool to other node

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Germany, Hannover

    Question Error: Cant move pool to other node


    we have a quite new installation of JovianDSS (up24) and I can nnot move the pool to node-2. (Neither manuallay ("move to this node") nor automatically by rebooting node-1.

    Pool-0 seems to be working with iSCSI, Failover is active. Pool-0 is running on node-1 and recognized ("Pool-0 Active on node node-1") on node-2

    On node #2, on import, first there was an error similar like "Pool-0 is not a valid ressource".
    Now (dont now what was changed) we get the error on moving: [opene-cluster-resources-ClusterResourceError-0] Cluster resource Pool-0 has not been moved because it is in unmanaged state.

    Attached you find some configuration screens.


  2. #2


    Check the zfs log file from the Node-2 server and see if there are errors and also the sys-error log as well. Any chance you can upgrade to up26 on Node-2 to see if you move the Zpool over to Node-2.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Germany, Hannover


    ok i figured it out, my write logs within pool-0 were configured wrong.
    they need to be:
    --sdb (remote)
    --sdd (remote)

    during the problem they were about
    --sdc (remote)
    --sdd (remote)

    the "bad change" was during replacement of hard drives. Now failover and moving nodes is working correctly.

    BTW, this forum should be improved a lot. Dont you trust your own users or why upload of images is disabled/not possible, linking to outside images is made difficult, writing forum posts is only allowed if administrators approve the post?

  4. #4


    I do see your images of the disk groups that are not links. The reason for the forum admin to approve is to prevent spam and other junk links. We had issues in the past and it is better controlled this way.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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