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Thread: Delete LVM from Open-e

  1. #1

    Default Delete LVM from Open-e

    I deleted one of my LVM disks on open-e. In console menu I see option "Extended tools menu" -> "Restore LVM VG (Volume Group) configuration". It's possible to recovery that deleted LVM disks and data which I have on it?
    How often is a copy of LVM VG made, because before deleted wrong LVM disk I resize another...


  2. #2


    The restore LVM is for the Configuration and if you deleted the Logical Volume then the data will be gone. There might be a chance that our Devs can try to restore the data but you must have updated Premium Support (If they can with restore of simple data). The Restore of LVM Configuration is just that for "Configuration" related to the Logical Volume properties like NAS or iSCSI. It stores with every reboot and major changes.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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