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Thread: external USB Disk as backup device - is it possible?

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  1. #1

    Question external USB Disk as backup device - is it possible?


    I'd like to know if there is a way to use external USB-Harddisks as 'tapes'?


  2. #2


    Yes - use the Volume Manager to assign USB disk as Dynamic Units used only for backups.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    Thanks Todd,

    I see - just a unit rescan and the external disk is present!


  4. #4


    All disks and sticks I have tested with Open-E show as "incompatible". This is a big stopper in evaluating the software. While it is always possible to attach USB disk for the time of testing, it may be much more difficult to use some internal hard drive. As a rule, there is only one, with the main operating system on it. First, it cannot be wiped, second, explain me how to test RAID 6 with one drive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Audriusa, it seems that you are installing the system in a wrong way, so please go to the following link:
    And look for "Installing Open-E DSS V6" to learn more how to install DSS, using USB or HDD ( internal or external ).

    If you still have any "incompatible" message, please support us with your hardware details, as it seems you have some hardware issue, and you may need to replace a RAID controller or something.

  6. #6


    I have the same question. please help me

  7. #7



    Did you follow previous advice?
    If yes, and you are still having problems, please contact our Support Department.

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