We got a 7 TB Open-E Data Storage Unit and trying to use Atto Xtend SAN 2.11 on our Apple G5 XServe. the Raid set is 2.77 TB but the Apple XServe see it as 2 TB - Why ?

We got this from Atto Tech Support:

Both Xtend SAN and OSX support volumes greater than 2TB. The typical problem is as follows:

Apple looks at byte 2 of the returned Inquiry Data (version field) in order to determine if a device supports 16 byte CDB's. In order to support a volume larger than 2TB 16 byte CDB's must be supported. If Apple does not see that a device supports SPC-3 (05h in byte 2) they will not send 16 byte read capacities or 16 byte CDB's at all. I would check with Open-E to see if you can change something on the array to allow for 16 byte CDB's.

Were do we change the CDB on Open-E for this ?