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Thread: webgui with blank screen

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  1. #21

    Default Additonal Question with same problem

    i have the same problem with the webgui.
    My question is now, if this can come while i have only 200Mb RAM
    in the computer. During the startup looks all fine and i can also
    ping from the dss-computer to the other computers in the network
    (Normaly ping, No DHCP-Ping). From other computers i can also
    ping the DSS.

    Best regards,

  2. #22


    DSS LITE Hardware Requirements is 1 GByte RAM. After installing the required amount of memory and if this does not work, please send me an email so I can provide you FTP access to upload the image file so we can analyze this.

    See link for the Hardware Requirements on the bottom of the page.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #23

    Cool webgui with blank screen

    Dear colleagues,

    I tested 5 different systems but only 1 system worked. This is the oldest system (AMD 1400 and 512 MB RAM) and I don't want to use it for a production SAN.

    I have the same similar problem with the Open-E DSS lite just like HofMar. The installation on an USB-Stick or IDE-FLASH Module, the configuration of the IP-Address, Pings from outside/inside and the console don't cause any trouble, but if I try to connect on the webgui with https, it only shows a blank screes after accepting the certificate.

    This occurs on Windows as well as on Linux with all kinds of Browsers (Firefox, IE, Opera, etc.)

    Kind regards.

  4. #24


    What are the other system configurations (CPU and RAM)?

    DSS LITE Hardware Requirements are as follows:

    - x86 - compatible PC
    - 1 GByte RAM
    - CPU (3 GHz Pentium IV or faster are recommended)
    - HDD (SATA, SAS, SCSI, ATA) / RAID / Fibre Channel / iSCSI Storage
    - Network Interface Card (multicards 1Gb/s recomended for bonding)
    - USB-Memory-Stick, USB-DOM (Disk On Module) or "pen drive"
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  5. #25


    how to register without a gui?

    hi folks,
    same procedure here; no matter on which hardware platform the dss lite is working on, only blank screen

    tested hw platforms for the dss lite:

    opteron 175, 4gb, 3ware 9650
    x23800, 2gb, onboard sata controller
    pIII 1,266, 512 mb, 3ware 8006-2lp

    tested clients w2k, xp and linux
    tested browser: firefox, ie7, ie6

    so my question is, whats about the registration without gui???


  6. #26


    Same Problem here, testet on different Platforms (Core2Duo, AMD Athlon XP, Amd Duron, VMWare); Tested in Firefox and IE

    Always blank screens...
    And... what about registration without GUI?

  7. #27


    Try using another USB stick (format differently), register under a different user and email address. If the system has all the recommended hardware requirments (CPU, MEM...) and you have rebooted once more then send me an email so I can provide you with instructions on uploading to our FTP site. Be ready to have the \devedrtm\changes.img zipped.

    Sorry to make you go thru all this effort but there are only a few of you having this issue. Please note we are going as fast as possible to get to all of you on this issue.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  8. #28


    I'm having this problem too with compact flash via an IDE adapter on a server but not with USB flash on a laptop. The server won't boot from USB, and I don't have a cf-usb adapter that can be booted from on the laptop, but if I copy the files from one to the other the usb always works on the lapotp and the CF never works on the server.

    on the server it boots and I can ping both ways, I can connect the the https and get the warning about the SSL cert, but the page comes up blank.

    server is a single AMD MP 2000+ on a k7d master with 1GB ram and a 3ware 7xxx raid controller. RAM and other diag tests all pass.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by To-M
    Try using another USB stick (format differently), register under a different user and email address. If the system has all the recommended hardware requirments (CPU, MEM...) and you have rebooted once more then send me an email so I can provide you with instructions on uploading to our FTP site. Be ready to have the \devedrtm\changes.img zipped.

    Sorry to make you go thru all this effort but there are only a few of you having this issue. Please note we are going as fast as possible to get to all of you on this issue.
    Hey.. still the same troubles... reformatted the USB Stick from FAT to FAT32. Still only a blank site... What to do now? Time for activation is running out....

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    My DSS LITE is working fine at my systems.. I have 4 different machines running...

    When u activate ur version? can u ping?
    don't know what the hell is going on at ur ends...?? l will try to help

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