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Thread: webgui with blank screen

Thread has average rating 4.73 / 5.00 based on 11 votes.
Thread has been visited 486482 times.
  1. #41


    Hi There,

    I hab problems with blank web gui on my test machines too, witch was an Athlon XP 2400, 1,25 GB RAM.
    Evaluating the same one in produktion enviorment (Altos Server Dual Core Xeon 1.6 GHz, with 2 GB RAM) it woks like a charm. This is only a hint, that this issue have to do with the hardware reqirements, not with the software version.
    Is there a way to get rid of the startup screen, so you can see bootlog?

    Greedings Boris
    Boris Erdmann-Jesnitzer

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Please try to do the following:

    - Update to the latest build of DSS.
    - Try to use another computer to login to your WebGUI
    - Try to use different internet browsers (ex: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera,IE,etc..).
    - Try to check your certificate, or remove it and put it again, see following link for details:

    - Try to reboot.

    One or more of the above steps should help you to fix this issue.

  3. #43


    If using I.E. try to clear the certificates or try to clear the cache of Internet Explorer.

  4. #44


    I am having this problem too. The web panel was working fine(but slow) before. Just now, I want to create a new volume. Usually, it takes a few seconds to create the volume, but this time it hang there even after 10 minutes. Since I can't do anything, I just left that page. Now, the web panel is completely blank. I've tested on different computers and browsers. I still can ping the web panel IP though.

    I am using 6.0up85.8601.5794 64bit, the OS is installed on a decent hardware

    Memory (RAM) info
    used Used memory (MB): 2396.68
    cache System cache (MB): 45651.73
    free Physical free memory (MB): 239.56

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Some browsers ( with their latest builds ) has some issues, so sometimes using an older version of browser can help.

    Sometimes you need to check your File System, by the repair tool to be sure that it contain no issues, as if there are any issue with the FS, then creating a new volume may take a longer time, and it's not recommended to keep working with a FS that contain issues. to check it, you can run \"Repair file system on LV (Logical Volumes)\" in Console Tools mode, after pressing (ALT+CTRL+X).

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