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Thread: Network settings

  1. #1

    Default Network settings


    We use 100MHz/full duplex network ports on the switches. By default DSS only connects at half duplex which causes poor performance.
    Now, duplex settings are not documented in the manual. I understand that it should be set somewhere in
    <Ctrl><Alt>T, Modify driver setting, Select driver
    But then there are two entries that seem possible
    <Full Duplex>, setting it to 1 does not change anything, even after reboot
    <Options>, a bit pattern for which the comments do not entirely fit on the screen, making any change quite risky.

    So, the simple question is: How do I enable Full Duplex?


  2. #2


    Most default to Full and DSS LITE should be defaulting to this as well. Check in the test.log to verify. If you are using an Intel NIC then you need to set this to 2 (full).

    From Test.log:

    ethtool eth0

    Settings for eth0:
    Supported ports: [ TP ]
    Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
    Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
    Speed: 1000Mb/s
    Duplex: Full
    Port: Twisted Pair
    PHYAD: 0
    Transceiver: internal
    Auto-negotiation: on
    Supports Wake-on: pumbg
    Wake-on: g
    Current message level: 0x00000033 (51)
    Link detected: yes
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

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