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Thread: USB boot ISO

  1. #1

    Default USB boot ISO

    I saw in the DDS forum that there exists a "USB BOOT ISO assist the USB DOM incase of BIOS not assisting the boot from the USB DOM"

    Is there any way this ISO can be made available to DDS Lite users? evan for a price?

  2. #2


    Check your email for access to this. This ISO BOOT CD was designed for DSS and R-3 version and not tested with DSS LITE.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    I have the same problem. Is it possible to get the ISO as well.


  4. #4


    OK, I tried the USB boot ISO. Although it does seem to work with the DSS Lite, it doesn't do what I want it to do. It does not work with a motherboard that doesn't already recognize the USB module.

    I tried on 4 diferent old mother boards that will not boot from USB - well the CD boots and everntually presents a message saying: "No USB module found" and that's as far as it gets. And yes the flash drive was plugged in to the USB slot and the light was on indicating it had power at least.

    I also tried it on a newer laptop. I set it to boot from CD and it did and then continued to load the DSS and I got the console screen telling what my IP address is etc, so that worked. But what's the point - that laptop boots just fine straight off of the USB module without needing help from the CD. I suspect this helper CD is for certain cases on newer machines that do see the USB drive directly but just don't allow it to boot.

    If anyone figures out how to boot and use the USB module on a machine where the bios doesn't see the USB disk. I'd sure like to find out how you did it.

  5. #5

    Default ISO to boot DL380 G3

    I have the same problem. Is it possible to get the ISO as well?


  6. #6



    I have the same problem. Is it possible to get the ISO as well.


  7. #7

    Default Boot CD

    Hello Todd

    I have the same problem... HP Proliant DL380 G3 does not support booting from USB

    Could you please send me the ISO image (or link)?

    Thank you very much


  8. #8


    Dear Maxemilian,

    Please, check your e-mail. I sent you the link for the image.


  9. #9


    Hi Sh-J, I need the cd iso, could you send me the link?

    Thanks and Best Regards,

  10. #10


    Dear CaS,

    I sent you an e-mail, please check it and reply back please.


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