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Thread: Partition aligning

  1. #1

    Default Partition aligning

    After looking at the best practices for installing VMware and creating vmfs storage, I find that partition aligning is a must for the best performance out of the storage end. Is there any move to get the ability to align partitions/formating when a VG is created? Also, do you use jfs, xfs or ext3?

    Thanks - roxer

  2. #2


    Currently there have been some discussions within our R&D about this topic. But nothing is on the time tables as we are solidly booked until Q3 of this year. We use xfs.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #3


    actually how do you align your partition? creating partition based on the multiple of your stripe size?

  4. #4


    Excuse me for hijacking this old thread, hopefully that's allowed, because I'd like to ask the exact same question. I've been reading some blogs like this one: and was wondering how Open-E handles this? We are using two RAID5EE 5 disks arrays with a stripe size of 256KB with iSCSI VG's, does Open-E automatically set the starting sector of it's first partition to 128, or will it use the default of 63? AFAIU it could make a huge difference in I/O when partitions are aligned.

    Thanks in advance.


  5. #5


    Sorry for the late reply we use the default one (63), but when we move to 2.6.32 kernel it will
    be automatically tuned to (128), ETA on new kernel is in spring of this year.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  6. #6


    so is there any alignment need to be done?

  7. #7


    There is no alignment that needs to be done from the DSS V6.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by To-M
    Sorry for the late reply we use the default one (63), but when we move to 2.6.32 kernel it will
    be automatically tuned to (128), ETA on new kernel is in spring of this year.

    Can I assume that this isn't out yet? What kernel is used in version 6.0up75.xxxx.5377 2011-05-06 b5377.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The new Kernel will be soon, up75 used a recompiled kernel, but not the latest one.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Al-S
    The new Kernel will be soon, up75 used a recompiled kernel, but not the latest one.
    I was just wondering whether Open-E DSS V6 update ver. 6.00 up80 build 5605 had this new kernel in it?



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