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Thread: iScsi Auto Failover

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  1. #11


    Trying to create an iSCSI-cluster with Version: 5.0.DB47000000.3117 wo do have the following problem:

    setup - network - iSCSI Cluster


    Here we can create a Secondary Cluster Member but the status is always:
    - Service running inactive
    - Node status inactive
    - Ping node disabled
    - eth3 unknown
    - com 1unknown

    We are not able to add the reverse iSCSI Target to the Cluster Task (Button grayed)
    - No task have been selected.
    - In secondary mode start and stop action will be made only on this node.


    Here we can create a Primary iSCSI Cluster Meber with following Status
    - Service running inactive
    - Node status inactive
    - Ping node ok
    - eth3 unknown
    - com1 unknown

    We are not able to add the reverse iSCSI Target to the Cluster Task

    Error: Most probably there has been an error when connecting to the other node, or one of the selected tasks does not have a counterpart (a reverse task) on the other node. Please check the secondary node address and make sure you have configured appropriate reverse tasks.

    - Info No task have been selected

    Whats going wrong
    - Both DSS do have an virtual IP with the same address
    - there is an iSCSI Volumne successfully replicated
    - both servers do have the iSCSI target with same name

    regards Stefan

  2. #12


    We just got certified with VMware for iSCSI yesterday so DerFux i hope this helps you.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  3. #13


    where you get the 47 from????

    Open-E informed me that they have a new version but its in Beta testing. Maybe thats why you have issues.

    I prefer to wait until the official release then judge.

    I test the 44 with the failover it works fine but with few issues. And as I heared they will be fixed..

  4. #14


    Thx To-M, thats good news.

    I suppose that is for the up46.

    Tomorrow we will do an update on two machines
    which are running the up44 (One primary - one secondary - manual failover).

    Lets hope the best that the automatic failover will come soon as well.
    The manual failover is working with VMware and linux.


  5. #15


    so when will this update be available and how is the configuration for master/slave. will the slave-machine automatically pull the config from the master?

  6. #16

    Default iSCSI Auto Failover

    As Ottl05 says.

    Can I buy this today? What do I specifically reference to make sure I get the version that supports iSCSI failover.


  7. #17


    You will need to purchase the DSS product, NAS-R3 and iSCSI-R3 professional version will not have this feature. Please wait as we will not release until all has been passed by our QA department. We will not release it until then.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by To-M
    I won’t know until Thursday or Friday of this week after the QA guys approve it.
    Hi ToM. It's almost end of June. Is this feature going to make it to us before July?



  9. #19


    Looks that we might be able to make it next week. Keep in mind that we have so many tests to run that if any issues arise we may need additionally time. But so far we are on schedule for next week.
    All the best,

    Todd Maxwell

    Follow the red "E"
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  10. #20

    Default iSCSI Auto Failover

    Hello All and T-Mo,

    So now it is next week. What will I specifically need to put on my order to make sure I get the correct revision to do iSCSI failover? Does it require any additional licensing/cost for the iSCSI failover feature?

    Even if there isn't a requirement to list specifically, I still would like to put it on the order.



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