Hey All.

I have several iSCSI servers up and running, however today I am trying to setup a DSS Lite to act as a proof of concept.

Its up and running beautiful. I created a drive on the NAS side, made it accessible anonymously, etc. I made this accessible through SMB to guests, via HTTP, and via FTP in anonymous mode.

The SMB and HTTP methods work great. Nice and fast (i.e. copied 130MB in like 20 sec), and pulled down via HTTP quick too. Thus I know my meager system config and connection speed (100Mbps for testing) isn't an issue.

However my FTP seems slow as molasses. It takes about 25 sec to even present the login response. Listing the directories is about as bad.... One of my FTP clients won't even connect - times out first.

Anyone experience any similar issues with the FTP part of NAS? I would really like to have it available as an option for my setup.

Thanks in advance.