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Thread: VMWare ESX 3.5 Error when trying to format iSCSI

  1. #1

    Default VMWare ESX 3.5 Error when trying to format iSCSI

    DSS Lite Version: 5.0.DL37000000.3003

    I created the target, the volume, etc. I am able to map the LUN to my iSCSI NIC in my ESX server. But when I try to mount the storage in the "Add Storage Wizard" I get an error "Unable to read the partition information from this disk."

    I am able to put the iSCSI initiator on my Vista PC, 2003 Server and 2008 server and they are all able to see the drive w/o any issue. I even scapped my DSS installation and totally started over thinking I did something wrong!

    Here is a screen shot of the error.

    I really need this working as I am out of space on my ESX server locally.

  2. #2

    Default I figured it out...

    Ok, from my Vista PC I added the target to my iSCSI initiator and partitioned the drive. I didn't format it!!! I simply partitioned it.

    Once I did that, I was able to see the drive w/o any issue. It is formatted and I am moving all my VMDK's over now!


  3. #3


    FYI VMware works better with open-e in File I/O
    it's CTRL-ALT-W under tuning options, damion and ISCSI volume type

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