
Using DSSlite ver 5.0.dl37000000.3003 from open-e.com/free

4 HDDs Seagate SATA 250Gb Barracuda ES.2
Motherboard is Intel s3200SH with ICH9r (chip 82801IR) latest bios/firmware

In BIOS setup select SATA in IDE mode -
result : see 4 units, but work in PIOmode very very slow

In BIOS setup select SATA in AHCI mode -
result : C-A-H dont show controllers, no disk units

In BIOS setup select SATA in RAID mode -
result : C-A-H show "Intel 82801IR/IO (ICH9R//DO) SATA RAID
Controller Rev 02", dont show disk units

I want use this 4 disks in SWraid (using AHCI).
After reading and searching this forums, I think that open-e products support ich9r.
Help pls.